Emergencies out of hours

If you have a dental emergency, get in touch with our reception as soon as you can. Acting fast not only means we can get you out of pain as soon as possible, but can also prevent further issues.

Having an emergency can often be a distressing experience and we want to do all we can to sort it for you. Our experienced dentists have seen many emergencies and help relieve any pain.

Out of hours

In the event of a dental emergency out of normal practice hours, please telephone 01228 525285. An answerphone message will provide you with contact numbers to advise you how to obtain further assistance. If you do not need emergency treatment but have an urgent problem that can wait, please leave a message on the answerphone and our reception team will contact you when we reopen.

What to do if you have…


You can take painkillers regularly to help relieve the pain. You can use paracetamol or ibuprofen, but please remember to follow the instructions on the packet.

Lost filling or crown?

Keep the restoration if you still have it. If intact, you can use sugar-free gum to stick it in place. You can use over-the-counter dental cement (if you have access to it).

Chipped tooth?

First, rinse your mouth with warm water. If you have any pieces, keep them. A cold compress will help reduce any swelling and you can stop any bleeding with a piece of gauze pressed on the wound.

Knocked out tooth?

We will be much more likely to save the tooth if you see us quickly. Hold the tooth carefully and avoid touching the roots – these are very delicate. Rinse gently with water to remove excess skin.

If you can, try to put the tooth back and make sure it is the right way around. If you can, don’t force it in as this could damage the tooth and the gum. Place it in some milk or water containing a pinch of salt.

An abscess?

Rinse your mouth with warm, salty water and apply a cold compress to ease any swelling. If you experience intense pain and swelling, accompanied by flu-like symptoms, you should give us a call and we will arrange for immediate assistance.

Visit Us

1 Peacock Road,
Carlisle, CA1 3UD
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